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Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law is a mediation process that allows parties to work together to resolve a dispute without going to Court. In Family Law, the approach allows separating parties to work together to achieve an outcome in their best interests and in the best interests of the children. 

This process involves confidential and transparent negotiations which are conducted through meetings of both parties and their lawyers. This allows clients to be in control of the process by taking part in the mediation. Prior to entering into these discussions, clients and their lawyers agree not to issue or threaten Court proceedings which minimizes the uncertainty involved in Court proceedings and the excessive costs involved.

Whilst clients will at all times have access to their lawyers to discuss their legal options, clients are often encouraged to look at their entire matter from an interests' perspective rather than from a fixed position.

For parties to take part in this process, their Solicitors would need to be Collaboratively trained professionals. In some scenarios, there may be benefit of also arranging a financial professional and other collaboratively trained professionals to assist the family.

At Anchorage Legal, we have a list of collaborative professionals that are ready to help you and can also refer the other party to other collaborative lawyers.  

Contact Us today to discuss if Collaborative Law is suitable for you.

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Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
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